On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 11:35:27AM -0600, Menezes, Evandro wrote:
> HJ,
> > > Gcc 4.3 revision 119497 has very poor SPEC CPU 2006 FP performance
> > > regressions on P4, Pentium M and Core Duo, comparing aganst
> > > gcc 4.2 20060910. With -O2, the typical regressions look like
> > > 
> > >                   Gcc 4.2         Gcc 4.3
> > > 410.bwaves               9.89            9.14    -7.58342%
> > > 416.gamess               7.17            7.16    -0.13947%
> > > 433.milc                 7.68            7.65    -0.390625%
> > > 434.zeusmp               5.57            5.55    -0.359066%
> > > 435.gromacs              3.99            4.02    0.75188%
> > > 436.cactusADM            4.59            4.50    -1.96078%
> > > 437.leslie3d             5.78            3.98    -31.1419%
> > > 444.namd                 6.25            6.18    -1.12%
> > > 447.dealII               11.3            11.3    0%
> > > 450.soplex               8.61            8.59    -0.232288%
> > > 453.povray               6.70            6.72    0.298507%
> > > 454.calculix             2.81            2.74    -2.4911%
> > > 459.GemsFDTD             6.07            4.95    -18.4514%
> > > 465.tonto                4.44            4.45    0.225225%
> > > 470.lbm                  10.6            10.7    0.943396%
> > > 481.wrf                  4.56            4.50    -1.31579%
> > > 482.sphinx3              11.2            11.1    -0.892857%
> > > Est. SPECfp_base2006     6.42            6.15    -4.20561%
> > > 
> > > Evandro, what do you get on AMD?
> > > 
> > > Is that related to recent i386 backend FP changes?
> Here's what we got:
>                 ?%
> CPU2006       
> 410.bwaves     -6%
> 416.gamess                                    
> 433.milc                                      
> 434.zeusmp                                    
> 435.gromacs                                   
> 436.cactusADM                                 
> 437.leslie3d  -26%
> 444.namd                                      
> 447.dealII                                    
> 450.soplex                                    
> 453.povray                                    
> 454.calculix                                  
> 459.GemsFDTD  -12%
> 465.tonto                                     
> 470.lbm                                       
> 481.wrf                                       
> 482.sphinx3                                    
> Though not as pronounced, definitely significant.

It is close to what we see on both x86 and x86-64. Are you going to
track it down?


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