Paul Schlie wrote:
Just as:

 volatile int* port = (int*)PORT_ADDRESS;

 int input = *port; supposedly invoking an undefined behavior.

is required to be well specified, effectively reading through a pointer
an un-initialized object's value, and then assigning that unspecified value
to the variable input; as otherwise the language couldn't be utilized to
write even the most hardware drivers required of all computer systems.

Now, wait just a minute here! Doesn't C's definition of "volatile" specify that things outside the program can cause the value of a volatile variable to become "determinate"? It's an obvious part of what the term means, and Fortran's definition of volatile variables most certainly includes the equivalent provision.

Thus, this code is _not_ invoking an undefined behavior if something outside the program is causing *port to become determinate (and if the C standard defines "volatile" in a reasonable way).

- Brooks

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