> It seems to me that setjmp & longjmp are (almost) never used inside the
> compiler but I don't understand why it is so.
> It is quite standard since a long time, and I don't understand why it should
> be avoided (as some old Changelog suggest).
> gcc/doc/trouble.texi gives some hints about setjmp/longjmp but I don't
> understand them as a requirement to not use it.
> I'm probably misunderstanding something, could seom expert enlightezn me?

I, in turn, am probably misunderstanding something.  Why should the
compiler use setjmp and longjmp?  I don't see any problem with using
them in the compiler if they are useful, but I don't know of any place
where they would be useful.

The notes in doc/trouble.texi are concerned with code being compiled
with the compiler, not with the compiler itself.


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