On Apr 2, 2007, at 2:32 AM, Brendon Costa wrote:
I have for a while been working on a tool that performs static
  I agree that Brendon's project is a very good idea, but I still
have an argument against it: having such an analysis into gcc forces
the gcc development community to maintain the code performing the
analysis. Having this analysis outside gcc makes it less likely to
remain in time. If I start a huge project, I would prefer to wrap
external functions into try { } catch(...) blocks (in a huge project,
the time spent by this task is negligeable) instead of relying on an
external tool...
  I agree that edoc++ is very useful (particularly, generating
documentation for Doxygen is a very nice issue!), but I keep
interested to implement this feature inside gcc.
  I write here because I am looking forward for your discouraging
comments! Maybe you can convince that this is not useful...
  If you consider this analysis to be useful, I will be grateful for
any ideas concerning where and how to start looking in order to
implement the analysis.

On 4/2/07, Mike Stump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, yeah, that I suspect would be a even better way to do this...
Itt would be nice if gcc/g++ had more support for static analysis
tools...  Maybe with LTO.

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