> On 05/04/07, Brian Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Now if there were actual function calls in the initialization, and no 
> > records were emitted, I would consider that to be a problem (haven't tested 
> > this at the moment though), however, static initializers like that could 
> > easily be skipped as a feature in the interest of saving space.
> >
> > Example :
> > int i = 0;
> > int j = 2;
> > int n = CalculateSomething( j, &i );
> > int k = 3;
> >
> > I would expect debug records for the initialization of 'n' to be emitted 
> > and a break point to properly work on that line... all others I could 
> > completely care less for.
> I don't really understand, because the problem remains that if you
> break before int n... and do print n you get a value, whereas you
> should get an error saying the variable is not in scope.
> > Heck, if the scope for k (being a primitive type that is initialized with a 
> > compile-time
> > constant value) were started before n, i wouldn't even consider that to be 
> > a bug... I would
> > consider it a marvel of intelligence in the compiler.
> How so?
> Rob

In theory, an intelligent compiler might be able to initialize
primitives on a stack frame either using a faster bulk-copy mechanism
or using a lazy assignment mechanism (actual performance gain between
the 2 might differ based on source code). Although such an enhancement
would be minor, it is still possible that out of order or amortization
could pay off. Some might complain that reordering co-scoped primitives
is out of the question (such that i, j, and k are all together with
maybe a 4th primitive for a bulk initialization), but if I had to touch
any code that depended on the ordering of non-struct or not explicitly
scoped variables on the stack... I'd wash my hands with bleach. In fact, on 
some architectures, reordering commonly used variables can have a drastic 
impact on internal cache bus usage and cause noteworthy performance 
differences. As long
as dependency hierarchies are honored, out of order initialization and 
placement are
no different than out of order execution. Ensuring that this debug
information is emitted might tie the hands of such optimizations.

Additionally, a debugger is not an automated process. It is a tool
intended to be used by an intelligent agent. At the break point
before the initialization of n, I would understand if k were visible
and maybe already had the value of 3. I could also understand if n were
visible and had either a garbage value or (similar to Micro$hit's
debug builds) had a preinitialized value of 0xCDCDCDCD. If the debugger
can see a value before it's proper initialization, this is something
that the user can easily ignore. ONTOH, if a line of code previous to
the declaration could see the variable, then that would be a bug. 

- Brian 

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