"J.C. Pizarro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > Good points.
| >
| > Regarding negatives, I believe 'operator new' takes a size_t,
| > which is unsigned, but if it were signed it, the multiplication
| > would indeed be in danger of creating a negative.
| >
| > If possible, I would prefer a solution that's built-in to operator
| > new.  I was thinking it should be implemented when code is
| > generated, for example using jc/jo/seto on i386.
| >
| > --
| > Karl 2007-04-06 15:41
| I've a good proposition for catching intruders in the code using
| an option  -DCATCH_NEW_INTRUDER by example:
|     int * allocate_int(size_t n)
|     {
|         int *p;
|         log_and_raise_if_new_intruder_anomaly(n,4);
|         p = (int*) operator new[](4 * n);
|         log_and_raise_if_new_intruder_anomaly_return_not_null(n,4,p);
|         return p;
|     }


-- Gaby

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