On 18 April 2007 10:29, Andrew Marlow wrote:

> Recently, on comp.sys.prime a PRIMOS emulator was announced. It is for
> quite an old version of Primos (rev 19.2) before Prime puts its weight
> behind an official C compiler. We on this ng are trying to track down an
> unofficial C compiler that was around at that time. But someone
> suggested that maybe GCC might, at some point, be able to emit code for
> PRIMOS. This would be PMA (Prime Macro Assembler). I really hope that
> this could be done. I wonder what the chances are.

  Depends how you count it.  Gcc can be ported to generate pretty much any
assembler code, so the chance could be said to be 100%.  Then again, it's
probably a few months of more-or-less fulltime work.  So the chances of it
just happening without someone actually getting up and doing it is 0%.

  If some of the newsgroup guys want to volunteer to do it, everyone here will
offer help and advice.  If you want to hire a contractor to do it, that would
work too.  But the odds of some random gcc hacker with no special interest in
PRIMOS suddenly deciding to volunteer that amount of time and effort for no
reason are ... small.

> Even if this work cannot be done for GCC it would be good to at least
> get an official statement to that effect (would put us Primates out of
> our misery..).


> There is an emerald here the size of a plover's egg!


Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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