> > 10) Eric Christopher reported that Tom Tromey (who was not present)
> >     had suggested a new mascot for gcc: a unicorn with rainbows.  This
> >    was met with general approval, and Eric suggested that everybody
> >    e-mail Tom with their comments.  I personally would like to see
> >    the drawing.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 06:02:46AM -0400, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
> This sounds fantastic. Rainbow tattoos, or more like "shooting a
> rainbow out of the uni-horn?"

I originally proposed the "gnu emerging from an egg" idea, it was based
on the fact that some of us were pronouncing egcs "eggs", and suggested
that the compiler was being re-born.  But we haven't been egcs for a long
time, and I no longer like the existing logo much.  So I'm fine with the
unicorn idea. (I had to leave the summit before this topic came up).

> Ian, thanks for hosting this, for championing the idea of a free
> mini-conf, and for writing up what was talked about for the rest of
> us.

Agreed; thanks Ian.

> I'm sorry to have missed the ice cream.

I missed the ice cream, but I did get free lunch in the famous Google

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