As René Rebe wrote:

> >   "find | sed -i" would take most of the pain out of that if you
> > did want to try it...

> sed "-i" is an "evil" GNU extension, likewise :-)

No, it's similarly available on FreeBSD.  That would be fine with me
here, as it's only required to tweak the code, but would not be left
in the publically available kit afterwards.  However, as I already
wrote to Dave, I never got the hang of writing multiline sed scripts.
Guess even using ed(1) with a here document is more to my liking, but
I'll probably end up with a short Perl hack then.

I'm simply out of time for all this right now.  I did have a few hours
of free time slots last week that I could have spent into improving
GCC's inlining, but eventually have wasted these into first hacking
the tools instead. :-(

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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