On 5/21/07, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've received some feedback suggesting that some contributors may not
always be aware of what open issues are available to work on, and,
perhaps more importantly, what regressions they may have caused.

Is there a volunteer who would like to help prepare a regular list of
P3-and-higher PRs, together with -- where known -- the name of the
person responsible for the checkin which caused the regression?  Or, is
this something that could be automated through Bugzilla, perhaps by
adding a pointer to the SVN revision at which the regression was introduced?

Oh, uh, one thing that might help here is that bugzilla 3.0 supports
sharing of saved searches.

That would enable us to simply share the search that produces the list
of "currently open P3 and higher PR", and it would just appear for
everyone at the bottom of the page under saved searches.

(Or i can put it on the bugzilla front page in the initial link list,
titled "Find a bug to work on!")

The goal would be to send a weekly/bi-weekly reminder to the list, and
to the responsible parties, to help remind those of us who've caused
problems to clean them up.  I know that this would help me, both as a
developer and as the RM: as RM, it would help me see what's going on,
and as a developer, it would encourage me to clean up my messes, even
when I'm busy.

What do others think?

The patch queue is also capable of producing a list of open PR's that
have outstanding unreviewed patches that are there, and emailing it

As  somewhat related aside to this topic, I've been looking into
integrating the patch queue  with something like reviewboard
(http://code.google.com/p/reviewboard/  screenshots/etc at
after adding some serious incoming email handling to reviewboard, to
see if most reviews and outstanding patches for existing PR's can't be
tracked completely.

I know about 75% of our maintainers prefer email only for reviewing
patches, and about 25% would prefer a web based solution :).

I'm trying to see if i can't accomodate both while simultaneously
making sure none of our PR's fall through the cracks easily.

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