> Please look at this page:
> _http://www.cs.nyu.edu/leunga/www/MLRISC/Doc/html/mlrisc-ir.html_ 
> (http://www.cs.nyu.edu/leunga/www/MLRISC/Doc/html/mlrisc-ir.html) 

That tells me about the MLRISC IR, but it doesn't tell me what
significant advantages it has over GIMPLE.

> If you choose to run CIL _locally_ (not add it to GCC, but _only_
> run it on your computer) then you can program in "Deputy". The
> Deputy language is very much like "C" but uses a few additional
> annotations which allow program checking when it is compiled.

Your e-mail messages do not make clear what you are proposing.
Precisely what change do you propose should be made to GCC itself?

If you just want to let us know about an alternative IR, then:


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