Richard Guenther wrote:

In absence of any declared object (like with this testcase where we just
have an incoming pointer to some unknown object) the compiler can
still assume that any valid object ends at the end of the address space.
Thus, an object either declared or allocated via malloc never "wraps"
around to address zero.  Thus, ptr + int never "overflows".


An interesting case is the special allowance to point just past the
end of an array if the pointer is not deferenced, this allows the
C idiom

   for (x = arr; x < &arr[10]; x++) ...

where arr has bounds 0..9, the limit pointer is used only for
testing, and this test must be valid. This means that you can't
have an array allocated up to the extreme end of the address
space if this would not work properly. I remember this issue
arising on the 286, where the maximum size of an array was
one element less than 64K bytes on one compiler to avoid
this anomoly.

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