On Mon, 24 May 2010, James Miller wrote:
> We have raised a new GCC mirror at http://gcc.parentinginformed.com.
> The mirror is located in Canada and I am the contact point for it.

Thanks for setting up a mirror and letting us now.  I just added this
to our mirrors list at http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html with the patch


Index: mirrors.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/mirrors.html,v
retrieving revision 1.197
diff -u -3 -p -r1.197 mirrors.html
--- mirrors.html        9 May 2010 19:54:39 -0000       1.197
+++ mirrors.html        24 May 2010 18:52:39 -0000
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Key fingerprint = 33C2 35A3 4C46 AA3F FB
 <li>Austria: <a href="ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/gnu/gcc/";>gd.tuwien.ac.at</a>, 
thanks to Antonin dot Sprinzl at tuwien dot ac dot at</li>
 <li>Bulgaria: <a 
href="http://gcc.igor.onlinedirect.bg/";>gcc.igor.onlinedirect.bg</a>, thanks to 
igor at onlinedirect dot bg</li>
+<li>Canada: <a 
thanks to James Miller (jmiller at parentinginformed dot com).</li>
 <li>Canada, Toronto: <a 
href="http://gcc-ca.internet.bs";>http://gcc-ca.internet.bs</a>, thanks to 
Internet.bs (info at internet dot bs)</li>
 <li>China: <a 
 thanks to David Deng (david99deng at yahoo dot com)</li>
 <li>France (no snapshots): <a 
href="ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/gcc/";>ftp.lip6.fr</a>, thanks to ftpmaint at lip6 
dot fr</li>

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