Just out of curiosity - isn't this what C# does with objects?  would
it perhaps be something like that in how mcs (mono) builds objects and
tracks their lifespan?

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Uday P. Khedker <u...@cse.iitb.ac.in> wrote:
>> I am not sure that is easily feasible. I would believe it is impossible.
>> Within the compiler (or inside a GCC plugin, or inside a GCC extension
>> coded in MELT), you probably are able change/inspect C++ classes&  every
>> other declaration any compiler is tracking. You are also able to find
>> every occurrence of variables containing a pointer to such classes.
>> However, you are apparently willing to track a single *instance* of such
>> a class, and this instance is in the execution of the compiled program
>> [not inside the compiler]. This means that you are able to deal with all
> To put it in other words: Here the issue is seeking runtime information at
> compile time. An object is a run time entity. At compile time, we only see
> the class. However, we also see the statements that create an object and
> manipulate it. Although it is not possible to track each object distinctly,
> a compile time approximation is certainly possible. And that is where
> creativity
> in compiler research lies. The better the approximations, the better the
> gains.
> For example, all objects that get created by a given statement can be
> treated
> alike. There is no way of distinguishing between them at compile time, but
> perhaps
> there is no need to do so because all of them are likely to be treated alike
> at run time. if an object O1 and O2 are created by the same statement,
> asking
> the question whether a method m1 is invoked for O1 does not need us to
> distinguish
> between O1 and O2.
> To summarize, a good approximation is indeed possible at compile time.
>> the aliasing&  pointer equivalence issues (a task known to be
>> impossible). How can the compiler surely know that pointer p in [a
>> particular instruction of] method YourClass::foo() is never (or
>> sometimes, or always) pointing to the same instance -in the running
>> process of the compiled program- as pointer q in method yourclass::bar()
> Basile, you keep mentioning that English is not your first language and I
> appreciate your politeness for reminding the reader for that (English is not
> the first language for me too). It is in that light that I would like to
> point
> out that your use of word "impossible" is a little too strong. Perhaps you
> mean
> difficult. It is impossible if you want exact information. However, if
> imprecisions can be tolerated for some gains, excellent approximations are
> possible _within_ a procedure body which is what Jeff asked for, to begin
> with.
> We have been working on this problem (pointer analysis) for a while but
> are quite far from production implementation. Our ideas now seem to mature
> a bit and whenever we have a conference paper, I will be happy to share it
> with the gcc folks.
>> Or maybe you want to instrument your compiler so that for every code
>> emitted for method yourclass::gee() you add a first block which checks
>> that the this reciever is not a given pointer.
>> In other words&  C++ parlance, you could (this is doable, but not
>> trivial) hack the compiler so that at the start of every method (i.e.
>> member function in C++) the equivalent of the following C++ code has
>> been magically added
>>   extern "C" YourClass* hunted_yourclass_pointer;
>>   extern "C" void some_error_routine(void);
>>   if (this == hunted_yourclass_pointer)
>>     some_error_routine();
> This is a very good way of paraphrasing the "ideal" requirement.
> Regards,
> Uday.

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