
Just found morpher dot com - it's based on GCC:

Morpher is a compiler driven obfuscation solution for
C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++. Being a compiler, our tool has much more structural
information than any other tool that works directly with binary
format. Therefore the abilities of Morpher's C++ source obfuscation
are much higher than any binary cryptor can suggest. Our algorithm
distorts the control flow graph in a controllable manner. We allow you
to tweak the size and speed limitations to make application protection
against reverse engineering most effective.

One of many Morpher's areas of applicability is DRM market. Our
software protection system allows obfuscating critical pieces of
access control code flexibly and without severe performance losses.
This effectively supplements your original copy protection scheme.

They sell it for $26k (if you select all options and all platforms).

one of its developers explains more about it:

It is essentially a version of llvm-gcc with additional obfuscation
passes - you're supposed to use Morpher as a drop-in replacement for
gcc. Obfuscation passes include constant protection, cloning of basic
blocks and functions, CFG arches meshing and others; they are
described in the documentation section with examples of assembly.

It looks it's developed by people from parts of ex-Soviet Union.

Have anybody inspected it? Is GPL violated in this case or not (e.g.
do they provide all patches they've made to gcc)?


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