On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 08:40:07PM +0900, Tae Wong wrote:
>You want to send a mail to python-dev at python dot org.
>The spam still exists in gcc-bugs mailing list:
>There's no reason that the gcc-bugs mailing list can post bug reports directly.
>Please delete spam messages from gcc-bugs.

These messages are, AFAIK, pointless.  I'm not aware of anyone working
as a spam removal service.  I am one of the admins for gcc.gnu.org and I
sure as @#$* am not paid enough to do this.  I do spend a lot of my time
trying to make sure that spam doesn't get through and that's the limit
of what I'm willing to do.

I'd think that a lot of this thread (especially the launchpad part)
is off-topic for this mailing list.


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