
                     GNU Tools Cauldron 2014

              Call for Abstracts and Participation

                         18-20 July 2014
                       Cambridge, England


An update to this year's Cauldron. The workshop will  be held at
University of Cambridge's Computer Labratory in the William Gates
Building. Details at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/local/wgb/

We have negotiated a promotional rate at St. Catherine's college.
For those interested, please reserve through:


Note: you will need to enter GNUTOOLSCAULDRON into the
promotional code box for it to bring up availability.

If you are interested in attending, please remember to register
soon. We have limited room for attendance and we have quite a few
registrations already.

If you have a topic that you would like to present, please submit
an abstract describing what you plan to present.  We are
accepting three types of submissions:

- Prepared presentations: demos, project reports, etc.
- BoFs: coordination meetings with other developers.
- Tutorials for developers.  No user tutorials, please.

Note that we will not be doing in-depth reviews of the
presentations.  Mainly we are looking for applicability and to
decide scheduling.  There will be time at the conference to add
other topics of discussion, similarly to what we did at the
previous meetings.

To register your abstract, send e-mail to

Your submission should contain the following information:


If you intend to participate, but not necessarily present, please
let us know as well.  Send a message to
tools-cauldron-ad...@googlegroups.com stating your intent to

Reply via email to