Richard Sandiford <> writes:
> Matthew Fortune <> writes:
> > The spec on:
> >
> > ng has been updated and attempts to account for all the feedback. Not
> > everything has been possible to simplify/rework as requested but I
> > believe I have managed to address many points cleanly.
> (FWIW there seem to be some weird line breaks in the page which make it
> a bit hard to read.)

Apologies, I edited it offline and didn't check the result carefully enough. 
I'll clean it up. 

> The main thing that stood out for me was section 9.  If we have the
> attributes and the program header (both good to have IMO) then we
> shouldn't have an ELF flag too.  "Static" consumers should use the
> attribute and "dynamic" consumers should use the program header.
> The main point of encoding future info in a program header was to
> relieve the pressure on the ELF flags.

I know what you mean. I kept the ELF flag around because it firstly already 
exists (with the correct meaning as it happens) and secondly ELF flags are 
already consumed in the program loader whereas a small amount of new framework 
in the kernel is needed for the loader to respond to program headers. The 
'executable stack' header is currently consumed but the mechanism is not 
extensible today. My thinking is that the ELF flag eases us into the program 
loader but could validly be dropped/not required long term. It is largely 
ignored by the tools anyway in favour of the program headers.

I am happy to remove the ELF flag if I can confirm with our MIPS kernel 
developers that they can implement the program header inspection sooner rather 
than later.
> As far as the program header encoding goes: I was thinking of a more
> general mechanism that specifies a block of data, a bit like the current
> PT_MIPS_OPTIONS does.  Encoding the information directly in the
> enumeration wouldn't scale well, since we'd end up with the same problem
> as we have now for ELF flags.  It would also be a bit wasteful to
> specify two bits of information this way since the other parts of the
> header structure don't carry any weight.

I was trying to avoid the need for a program header to refer to a block of data 
as that is another part of the object that has to be loaded to determine the 
flag information. There are 2^28 processor specific program headers available 
which seems quite generous (I half though of using 2 for the two modes), but I 
do also recognise that most of the header then becomes wasted space. I guess 
there may be some complaint if we choose to abuse every field of a header to 
encode information (i.e. address, size, alignment etc) but this would be a nice 
compact way to store flags. It would be more visible to put flags in the 
address fields as these are already printed by readelf et al. but the processor 
specific flags are not. Personally I'd open up all the fields to abuse over 
adding a block of data. The block of data increases the complexity of the 
program loader and dynamic loader as they have to ensure more of an object is 
read in order to make a decision. The extra data needed from an object would 
also be target specific, all do-able I'm just not sure on complexity. I wonder 
if Joseph or Maciej have any thoughts here as I believe they discussed this 
idea of using program headers in the past. Since I'm far from being an expert 
in this area I'm OK with anything as long as I can get all maintainers of 
dynamic loaders and program loaders to agree (ha!). Bionic, glibc, uclibc and 
linux kernel are the primary targets here.


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