Hi Ilmir!

On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:02:11 +0400, Ilmir Usmanov <z...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> My name is Ilmir Usmanov and I'm a student of Moscow Institute of Physics and 
> Technology.
> Also I'm implementing OpenACC 1.0 in gomp4 branch as an employee of Samsung 
> R&D Institute Russia (SRR). My research interests are connected with creating 
> OpenCL Code Generator. So I'd like to participate GSoC 2014 with project 
> called "OpenCL Code Generator" as an independent student. I will do the 
> project during my free time, my employer will not pay for this.

How much time would you be able to allocate for working on the GSoC
project?  Per
»you should expect your project to be your primary focus this summer«.

> The proposal is the following.
> * Implementation of OpenCL Code Generator.
> ** Abstract.
> The project addresses generation of OpenCL kernels as OpenMP 4.0 target. 
> Currently OpenMP 4.0 target implementation supports only host device as a 
> target. I’m going to implement OpenCL kernels generator and extend libgomp 
> with OpenCL routines.
> During the project I'm going to reuse current (not finished) implementation 
> of OpenCL generator from openacc-1_0-branch, refactor and implement it as 
> OpenMP 4.0 target plugin.

Specifically an »OpenMP 4.0 target plugin«, or generally a libgomp
plugin, so this would benefit both OpenACC and OpenMP, I assume?

> ** Plan.
> The project will consist of the following parts.
> *** Kernels generator.
> In this part I’m going to implement OpenCL C or OpenCL SPIR generator from 
> GIMPLE representation as OpenMP 4.0 target plugin.
> *** Libgomp extensions.
> In this part I’m going to extend libgomp with OpenMP 4.0 plugin that 
> allocates the memory at target device, maps the memory etc. Also I'm going to 
> extend current implementation of OpenMP 4.0 target plugin API with routines 
> to perform kernel compilation and enqueuing, if necessary.
> ** Schedule.
> 21 March - 18 May
> Preparation:communicate with mentor, read libgomp source code, try submit 
> some small patches to extend plugin API. Refactor code generator from 
> openacc-1_0-branch.
> 19 May - 8 June
> Coding to implement OpenCL runtime library: map clause, target update.
> 9 June - 22 June
> Coding to implement kernels generator. Generate simple kernels: target.
> 23 June - 13 July
> Generate complicated kernels: declare target.
> 14 July - 11 August
> Detailed testing.
> Is the proposal suitable?

Generally, such a project does appear suitable as a GSoC project, and you
should certainly file it on the GSoC site before the deadline on Friday,
so that it can be considered there.


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