On 09/02/2014 11:22 PM, James Nelson wrote:

This is error-prone because even though a size parameter is given, the code
in the function has no requirement to enforce it. With a bounded array
type, the prototype looks like this:

buf *foo(char buf[sz], size_t sz);

GCC already has a syntax extension to support this: <https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Variable-Length.html>

The compiler now knows how large `buf` is, and it can put bounds checks
into the code (which may be disabled with -O3).

We tried this, but it is hard to find information about it, see “Bounded Pointers”.

Nowdays, there is -fsanitize=object-size, but I don't know if it uses VLA lengths: <https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2014-07/msg00923.html>

Historically, propagation of object sizes from malloc and VLAs to __builtin_object_size was rather incomplete.

Florian Weimer / Red Hat Product Security

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