Hello Ismael,

On Wed, Mar 21 2018, Ismael El Houas Ghouddana wrote:
> Dear Mr./Mrs,
> First of all, I really appreciate your time and attention. I am Ismael El
> Houas an aerospace engineer student with knowledge of Google Cloud Platform
> and I want to express my interest in working on your project.

I am sorry to reply only now, mainly because of traveling, I was not
reading my email in the second half of last week.  

> Secondly, I want to ask if I am still at a time to apply to this project,
> unfortunately, I was not aware of GSOC until yesterday. In the case, I am
> still able to apply for it, I will make the proposal as soon as possible.

Strictly speaking, the deadline is tomorrow, as decided by the GSoC
organizers.  If you have been working on a proposal despite not hearing
from us, we would sill like to see it and encourage you to submit it
before the deadline.  If you haven't, it is really getting rather late,
unless you have a very clear idea of what you want to do (in that case
we should still try!).

My apologies again for missing you message, I hope GSoC works out for
you one way or another.


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