
I am pleased to announce that Hrishikesh Kulkarni will be working on
"Textual Representation of LTO Object Files (Textual LTO dump tool
project)" as his Google Summer of Code 2018 project.  I believe I write
on behalf of everybody in the GCC community when I congratulate him and
wish him success in the upcoming work.  Hrishikesh's mentors are Martin
Liška and Jan Hubička, but the plan is to have most of the conversation
about the project on the mailing list and so I would like to encourage
everyone to help him out here if they can.

According to the schedule of GSoC, we have entered "Community Bonding
period" which lasts until May 14th (when the first out of three "coding"
periods begin).  Hrishikesh, Martin and Honza will take over from me in
suggesting what technical things you should study/play with, but I'd
like to request that you make sure you get an FSF copyright assignment
quickly (see https://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#legal).  David, I
assume that Hrishikesh does not have the assignment yet, can you please
send him the necessary forms?  Hrishikesh, please fill them is when you
get and send them to FSF.  If at any moment it will appear that the
process got stuck, please let me know sooner rather than later.

On a general note, GCC was given two student slots which we requested
after receiving two high-quality student proposals.  Unfortunately,
Sebastiaan has withdrawn from GSoC 2018 before selection was announced
and so we "only" have one student this year.

I'm looking forward to the new tool,


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