In message <>
          Martin Wuerthner <> wrote:

> In message <>
>           John Tytgat <> wrote:

>> In message <> you wrote:

>>> [...] So, I am wondering whether anyone has an idea which change could
>>> have caused such an effect. Has there been a change in output stream
>>> handling in Unixlib?

>> My first guess is indeed a possible regression (or latent bug now being
>> triggered) with UnixLib changes I made on 2 Jan 2010 and 21 Jan 2010 :
>> r4398 and r4459.

> OK, I will try a build using r4459, and if that still fails, with
> r4397. If your theory is correct then r4397 should work and r4459
> should fail.

I have completed the experiment and it is exactly as expected: 
Building Ghostscript using GCCSDK r4397 results in a working 
executable. Using GCCSDK r4459 results in an executable with broken 

Then, I tried building with r4398 and it still works, so r4398 was not 
responsible. Finally, I tried r4458 and even that worked. I double 
checked with r4459 and it fails. So, this proves that r4459 was 
responsible for the problem.

Martin Wuerthner          MW Software

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