
Have now completed build of otterbrowser from sources taken from the autobuilder yesterday.

There is 1 patch needed to the otterbrowser autobuild setvars script.

line 10 needs -lpcre16 added :

-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-L../../../../env/lib -lWebKit1 -lWebCore -lleveldb -lmemenv -ljpeg -lpng -lJavaScriptCore -lWTF -lsqlite3 -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lQt5WebKit -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre16 -lz' \

Amended setvars attached.

This means that there are all the mods needed to compile and build otterbrowser, (and nettle and wget incidentally) on a gcc5 based machine using GCCSDK4.7.4

I'm not doing this to be a maintainer, but it bothers me when what is available wont build from the autobuilder directly.

I'll probably put up binaries of what has been produced in case anyone is interested, and would be happy to make a zip available of the various mods/patches I have employed to get to this stage.

(they have all been reported here recently)

I strongly suspect that they will be backward compatible with the possible exception of gcc.cp.cfns.gperf.p, which tunes the definitions passed through gperf to the definitions created by gperf. gcc5 would appear to be rather more fussy about these things.

Many of the changes involve a global source change to replace __FUNCTION__ with __func__ . There are too many individual files involved to easily provide separate patches.

Feedback appreciated


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AB_DISTCLEAN="$AB_MAKE -C build clean"

ab_make() {
   mkdir build && cd build
   cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../../env/toolchain-riscos.cmake \
         -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-L../../../../env/lib -lWebKit1 -lWebCore 
-lleveldb -lmemenv -ljpeg -lpng -lJavaScriptCore -lWTF -lsqlite3 -licui18n 
-licuuc -licudata -lQt5WebKit -lssl -lcrypto -lpcre16 -lz' \
   cd ..

ab_package() {
  ab_create_app Otter-browser Apps/Network otter-browser

  cp -T $S/build/otter-browser $A/otter-browser$AB_EXEEXT

  for f in \
    ; do
    cp -prL $S/$f $A
    cp -prL $S/resources $A

  ab_docs -h man/otter-browser.1

  $AB_HOME/add-riscpkg -copyrightfile COPYING  -package otter-browser -name 
Otter-browser \
    -depends Qt5Webkit
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