For anyone keeping track of this thread, I've just submitted an updated recipe that improves file handling (",xxx" suffixes are now used where appropriate, and image files are treated as directories to allow them to be stored in git), and fixes a few bugs/limitations in simplegit itself.

Using this new version it's now possible to correctly checkout entire products from ROOL's gitlab server ( - e.g.:

set UnixEnv$sgit$sfix ""
sgit clone Disc
dir Disc
sgit submodule init
sgit submodule update

(However note that "sgit status" will report a few differences due to some files having asymmetric filename translation, because of redundant ",xxx" suffixes)

I've uploaded a build of the package to my site if people want to try it out:

If there aren't any major issues discovered over the next few days, it would be good to have the package in updated, as the ability to store filetypes using ,xxx suffixes is a big step forward for using git for RISC OS projects (I would have enabled it earlier if I'd realised that UnixLib had support for it built-in!)


- Jeffrey

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