For those who have been (re)building autobuilder packages, what OS are you
currently building on?  And which sources are you building?

I think historically the autobuilder has used Debian 'stable' sources, which
meant an unexpected wave of breakage whenever Debian decided to release a
new 'stable' distro.  That appears to still be the case, is that right?

In terms of build OS, is there any reason to use something other than the
latest Ubuntu LTS (20.04)?  Last time I set up mass builds I used Ubuntu
14.04, which is a bit old nowadays.  Sometimes the packages needed for
particular builds can vary between distros, and it would save effort if I
could use whatever other people have got to work.  What have you been using?
To some degree using Debian 'stable' for the build distro as well makes some
kind of sense, but I don't know if that's what people are doing.


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