On 03/03/2021 16:49, alan buckley wrote:
To run programs compiled on GCC8 or later what environment is required?

I�d like to add a new environment type to the PackMan packages so these programs can be packaged, but not show up on machines where they won�t run.

I�m assuming that the current vfp check isn�t enough.

Would a vfpv3 cover it? If so, does anyone know the code required to check for a RISC OS machine for it?

If I'm understanding you correctly, then GCC8 and later should work on
anything with VFP, so a VFP check should be OK, however, the libraries
are not compatible with GCC4. The libraries for GCC8/10 are stored in
!SharedLibs.lib.armeabi, so armeabi would be the name of environment?

For dynamic linking, it would require the runtime shared libraries to
be packaged. Such a package is produced with the GCC10 build for
copying over the package produced by the GCC4 build, although should the
C++ libraries be in a separate package?


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