In article <>,
   Stefan Fröhling <> wrote:
> Hello there!

> I have been told from Andrew Rawnsley that Iris is done with GCC10 and mostly 
> ported by Lee Noa to create Iris.
> Where we can download the sources/binaries ?
> What is the status? What must be done to make it a RISC OS native compiler as 
> we want to built an IDE around GCC and maybe support also other languages 
> like BASIC, Python and Pascal.
> I want to find some programmers who are willing to port GCC 10 to RISC OS as 
> now it is only available for Linux/Windows.
> (well with available I mean it is available at least for one or two or three 
> RISC OS programmersŒ.)
> I appreciate any suggestions for a path forward so it can be made available 
> for all RISC OS users soon.

> PS: Congratulation fot the good work on Iris and GCC10!

> regards Stefan 
> from the Cloverleaf RISC OS project

The GCCK 10.2.0 native compiler hasn't been released yet. Once you have the
autobuilder set up you can build it yourself.

mkdir gccsdk
cd gccsdk
svn co svn:// autobuilder
svn co svn:// gcc4

mkdir build
cd build

Create a file call build-setvars containing the following contents.
(Assuming the autobuilder has been installed in /home/gccsdk.)


rm -f /home/gccsdk/autobuilder/develop/gcc/gcc.dwarf2out.c.p
../autobuilder/build -v gcc

The packages for the native compiler will be created in

Using GCC natively on RISC OS is very slow. It's OK for simple stuff.

I had to set a 32000k wimplot otherwise everything froze.

Using GCC 10.2.0 with the autobuilder successully builds e.g. Qupzilla,
RPCEmu, ffmpeg and  mplayer.

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