In article <alpine.DEB.2.22.394.2110141753370.3825109@thelappy>,
   Rhett Aultman <> wrote:
> Hi, all,

> I've recently become interested in RISC OS because of its support for more 
> minimal hardware specs while supporting a number of features critical for 
> modern computing (e.g. SSL/TLS).

> I'm trying to get Nettle building from source, and it appears to require a 
> gccsdk setup, which I've done, and also a number of libraries from gccsdk 
> which I could get through the build-libs script.  One tricky thing, 
> though, is that it appears that some of the libraries, like openssl 1.1.1, 
> build with VFP enabled, while others, like zlib, build with FPA instead. 
> This brings up a linkage problem when it comes time to link Nettle.

> I temporarily resolved this through going into the build scripts and 
> forcing VFP everywhere through CFLAGS manipulation, but it's not entirely 
> an ideal process, and really I'd prefer the more widely accepted FPA just 
> because VFP shouldn't be all that important for doing SSH.

> Is there a way to control the floating point support that I'm building for 
> that I missed?  Any particular reason why the openssl is building in VFP 
> but other libraries aren't?

In the setvars file for libssl1.1.1 look for the line which has e.g.,

If it's different to the above change it match. This ensures it is built
for FPA.
The default was v6zk until a couple of days ago.

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