somehow my default directory got changed to save all information in /tmp
 not ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd... the GCONF_LOCAL_LOCKS flag is not set...
the /etc/gconf/2/path file has it set to xml:readwrite:$(HOME)/.gconf
->(uses the default values)... and i have no idea how it changed.  any

gconf 2.14.0
fedora core 5
no output from gconf-sanity-check-2

14:34[atlantis]~ $ gconftool-2 --spawn
Failed to spawn the config server (gconfd): Failed to contact
configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable
TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system
crash. See for information.
(Details -  1: Failed to convert IOR '' to an object reference 2: Failed
to convert IOR '' to an object reference)
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