Hello people.

I've been playing around with gconf for a while and was able to store
(and load) preferences for my program. Still, a few things are confusing:

- As things got more complicated (in my program), I decided to subdivide
saving of options and made (manually) two subdirectories in the original
app's. They didn't appear until an empty %gconf.xml was copied inside.

- Can keys and directories be at the same level? I.e., can I have
directories and a non-empty %gconf.xml at the same level? I did a few
tests and found that it was _not_ possible, but I may have made some
mistakes there.

- Am I mistaken that the file/dir permissions _have_ to be 600/700?

Is there somewhere I can read these technical items? They don't seem to
documented in the main docs.

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