
First, I don't know which is the right mailing list to post the following
question. Otherwise, please tell me where to do.
Sorry for crossposting.

After following the instructions given by the official documentation, I
managed to set system-wide mandatory settings with dconf, but I've serious
doubt whether is possible to create a per-user schema of mandatory settings
with dconf.


So, the question: is it dconf prepared for configuring mandatory user-level
lockdown policies? I mean, so once a setting is configured, the user
wouldn't have the chance to modify it.

Below two examples of configuration used: (1) a successful conf. for
locking down the desktop-background system-wide (no local user could be
able to change it), and (2) an unsuccessful try of having different
lockdown policies for two different users.

Any clarification would be welcomed.

Works! --- Example 1: locking down desktop-background system-wide ---

>>> /etc/dconf/profile/user

>>> /etc/dconf/db/local.d/locks

Then run dconf update and restart desktop session.


Not working :( --- Example 2: locking down desktop-background to test1
user, locking down disable-log-out to test2 user ---

>>> /etc/dconf/profile/test1

>>> /etc/dconf/profile/test2

>>> /etc/dconf/db/test1.d/locks

>>> /etc/dconf/db/test2.d/locks

Then run dconf update, ensure test1 and test2 has defined the DCONF_PROFILE
env variable with their username, and restart desktop session.

J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
Consultor Externo

Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 661 91 27 26
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
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