
I started receiving the following errors in my message log on RedHat 5 and
wonder if you could help me. We don’t use gconf but are still getting the
errors. How can I stop these errors from appearing?

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): starting (version 2.14.0),
pid 22202 user 'nobody'

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Failed to load source
"xml:readwrite://.gconf": Failed: Could not make directory `//.gconf':
Permission denied

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Resolved address
"xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory" to a read-only configuration
source at position 0

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Resolved address
"xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults" to a read-only configuration
source at position 1

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): None of the resolved
addresses are writable; saving configuration settings will not be possible

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): No writable config sources
successfully resolved, may not be able to save some configuration changes

Aug 18 21:41:31 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Failed to open saved state
file: Failed: Failed to open gconfd logfile; won't be able to restore
listeners after gconfd shutdown (No such file or directory)

Aug 18 21:42:01 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Failed to open saved state
file: Failed: Failed to open gconfd logfile; won't be able to restore
listeners after gconfd shutdown (No such file or directory)

Aug 18 21:42:01 online gconfd (nobody-22202): GConf server is not in use,
shutting down.

Aug 18 21:42:01 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Could not open saved state
file '/.gconfd/saved_state.tmp' for writing: No such file or directory

Aug 18 21:42:01 online gconfd (nobody-22202): Exiting

We have gnome-python2-gconf-2.16.0-1.fc6 installed.

This is the output of ps jaxwww | grep gconf

20863  2387  2386 20825 pts/0     2386 S+       0   0:00 grep gconf

This is the output of  gconf-sanity-check-2

-bash: gconf-sanity-check-2: command not found

Thank you very much for your help

Nobuko Fogarty
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