Radeus wrote:
I'm new to GDAL and have not been able to find any information on whether
the NITF driver allows you to attach a text file (text segment) to the NITF
file on Create or CreateCopy. I have tried with no luck to either attach or
read back a NITF file with Text Segments.
I have seen that the GDALPamDataset will create the aux.xml filler with the
extra data when creating the NITF file, but the information is not actually
writen to the NITF file itself.
I am currently using build 1.5.2 compiled on VC++ 7.1 for Windows.

Is this simply not supported in the NITF driver?

If it is not supported, how hard would it be to add this in to the driver?


You are correct that the NITF driver does not currently support writing
text segments.

It would not be particularly hard to add.  That means it might take me
2-3 hours. Someone unfamiliar with the driver might require a day to get
to a stable and safe result.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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