Andrew is correct. The ArcGIS grid stack comprises an index to the component grids, stackname.stk. The records comprise the grid names. The grids must be in the same location (workspace) and have the same projection / coordinate system but do not need to have the same geographic extents (so long as there is an area of common overlap) or cell size. Where the cell size differs, that quoted for the stack is the coarsest of the components.

It is quite common to use a stack to collect together raster layers representing disparate criteria in order to analyse them together, using geostats, for example. A multi-band stack, such as, for example, might comprise a Landsat TM image, is a sort of special case.


Andrew Loughhead wrote:
Jason Roberts wrote:

Is the GDAL ArcInfo Binary Grid (AIG) driver intended to support AIGs with multiple bands? I have a 5-band AIG for which the Python gdal bindings for GDAL 1.6.0 report "`C:\Temp\ccomp2' not recognised as a supported file format." ArcGIS 9.3.1 reports that the "format" of it is "GRID Stack 7.x". It was created using standard ArcGIS tools.

I don't think that its quite right to see a GRID stack as an AIG with multiple bands. From (somewhat long term) memory an ArcInfo Grid Stack is actually a collection of individual grids, rather than a single grid dataset with multiple bands. Within ArcInfo Workstation stacks can be converted to a few multiband image formats, and multiband images converted to stacks. I *think* that Stacks always have an INFO file, possibly called <stackname>.stk, and I also think that the grids composing a stack had to have identical bounds, and be in the same workspace. Any particular grid in a workspace could be in zero, one or more stacks.

Anyway I would expect that GDAL will deal fine with the individual grids in the stack, as individual datasets. Any GDAL utility, or binding, which can combine individual datasets into a multiband image could therefore convert a stack into an image. Of course you would need to know which individual grids form the stack.

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