
For a few months now the gdal/frmts/pcidsk/sdk directory has been
referenced from the pcidsk sdk subversion using svn:externals in
GDAL trunk.  This had the benefit of ensuing the latest pcidsk code was
always used with GDAL trunk.  However, it has had some downsides too.

1) I tended to forget to update gdal/frmts/pcidsk/GNUmakefile when
I added files to the pcidsk sdk which was breaking the build.

2) When folks made branches, such as winkey recently did, it was hard
to keep the gdal/frmts/pcidsk/GNUmakefile up to date.

3) Each time I make a stable branch, like for 1.7, I need to futz
around to turn the svn:external into a local copy.

4) Evaluating the svn:external made my svn updates noticably slower
since they were done as an extra roundtrip to the server.

Anyways, the problem are not insurmountable, but on balance I think
the benefits of using svn:external are outweighed by hassles and so I
have gotten rid of the svn:external and done an svn copy of the sdk
into the GDAL trunk.   I will refresh it periodically.

Let me know if anyone runs into problems or thinks this was the wrong
thing to do.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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