I am working on converting a NITF to imagine format using GDAL 1.7.2.   I can
create files that are readble and seem to be correct in my program and
according to gdalinfo and hfatest, but they do not open in ViewFinder.  If I
dumb down the geotransform so that a mapinfo node is added to the output
image, it works in ViewFinder, but rotation information about the image is

Here is the relevant code:

    poDstDS = poDriver->Create( outputNameAndPath, nXSize, nYSize, nBands,
                            papszOptions );

     // populate additional fields in the hfadataset
     double affine[6];
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

    affine[0] = image->ul_corner[1];
    affine[1] = (image->ur_corner[1] -  image->ul_corner[1]) /
image->image_cols ;
    affine[2] = (image->ll_corner[1] -  image->ul_corner[1]) /
image->image_rows ;
    affine[3] = image->ul_corner[0];
    affine[4] = ( image->ur_corner[0] - image->ul_corner[0]  ) /
image->image_cols ;
    affine[5] = ( image->ul_corner[0] - image->ll_corner[0] ) /
image->image_rows ;
    poDstDS->SetGeoTransform( affine );

    // from the spec:
    // This may be called on an empty OGRSpatialReference to make a
geographic coordinate system
    oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "WGS84" );

    char *pszSRS_WKT = NULL;
    int copyXsize = 0;
    int copyYsize = 0;
    oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszSRS_WKT );
    poDstDS->SetProjection( pszSRS_WKT );

   GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poDstDS );

If I replace affine[2] and affine[4] with 0.0 I get a readable file, but any
rotation information is lost so the transform is wrong.  If I leave them in,
my program (and the gdal programs) can open the image and the transform
seems to be correct, but the imagine viewer cannot open the file (it says
'Not enough projection info available').

This is what hfatest says about the image that doesnt load:
root(root) @ 27600905 + 0 @ 0

  IMGFormatInfo(ImgFormatInfo831) @ 27601033 + 4 @ 27601161
  + spaceUsedForRasterData = 27549696

  Layer_1(Eimg_Layer) @ 27601165 + 20 @ 27601293
  + width = 3587
  + height = 3716
  + layerType = athematic
  + pixelType = u16
  + blockWidth = 64
  + blockHeight = 64

    RasterDMS(Edms_State) @ 3802 + 47120 @ 3930
    + numvirtualblocks = 3363
    + numobjectsperblock = 4096
    + nextobjectnum = 13774848
    + compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[0] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 51050
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[1] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 59242
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[2] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 67434
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[3] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 75626
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[4] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 83818
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[5] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 92010
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[6] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 100202
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[7] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 108394
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[8] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 116586
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[9] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 124778
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[10] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 132970
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[11] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 141162
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[12] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 149354
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[13] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 157546
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[14] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 165738
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[15] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 173930
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    +  ... remaining instances omitted ...
    + freelist = (no values)
    + modTime = 0

    Ehfa_Layer(Ehfa_Layer) @ 27600746 + 6 @ 27600874
    + type = raster
    + dictionaryPtr = 27600880

    ProjectionX(Eprj_MapProjection842) @ 27601313 + 843 @ 27601441
    + projection = 
    +     type = 
    +         string = `PE_COORDSYS'
    +     MIFDictionary = 
    +         string =
    +     MIFObject = `'
    + title = 
    +     string = `PE'

    MapInformation(Eimg_MapInformation) @ 27602284 + 40 @ 27602412
    + projection = 

    +     string = `Geographic (Lat/Lon)'
    + units = 
    +     string = `dd'

    MapToPixelXForm(Exfr_GenericXFormHeader) @ 27602452 + 23 @ 27602580
    + titleList = 
    +     string = `Affine'

      XForm0(Efga_Polynomial) @ 27602603 + 136 @ 27602731
      + order = 1
      + numdimtransform = 2
      + numdimpolynomial = 2
      + termcount = 3
      + exponentlist[0] = 0
      + exponentlist[1] = 0
      + exponentlist[2] = 1
      + exponentlist[3] = 0
      + exponentlist[4] = 0
      + exponentlist[5] = 1
      + BASEDATA(polycoefmtx): 2x2 of f64
      + polycoefmtx[0] =       + 21973.1640671877
      + polycoefmtx[1] =       + -519.496437926653
      + polycoefmtx[2] =       + -638.224682450435
      + polycoefmtx[3] =       + 27769.4459546298
      + BASEDATA(polycoefvector): 1x2 of f64
      + polycoefvector[0] =       + -2761223.74395772
      + polycoefvector[1] =       + -990232.403820546

    Projection(Eprj_ProParameters) @ 27602867 + 230 @ 27602995
    + proType = EPRJ_INTERNAL
    + proNumber = 0
    + proExeName = (no values)
    + proName = `Geographic (Lat/Lon)'
    + proZone = 0
    + proParams[0] = 0.000000
    + proParams[1] = 0.000000
    + proParams[2] = 0.000000
    + proParams[3] = 0.000000
    + proParams[4] = 0.000000
    + proParams[5] = 0.000000
    + proParams[6] = 0.000000
    + proParams[7] = 0.000000
    + proParams[8] = 0.000000
    + proParams[9] = 0.000000
    + proParams[10] = 0.000000
    + proParams[11] = 0.000000
    + proParams[12] = 0.000000
    + proParams[13] = 0.000000
    + proParams[14] = 0.000000
    + proSpheroid = 
    +     sphereName = `WGS 84'
    +     a = 6378137.000000
    +     b = 6356752.314245
    +     eSquared = 0.006694
    +     radius = 6378137.000000

      Datum(Eprj_Datum) @ 27603225 + 89 @ 27603353
      + datumname = `WGS 84'
      + params[0] = 0.000000
      + params[1] = 0.000000
      + params[2] = 0.000000
      + params[3] = 0.000000
      + params[4] = 0.000000
      + params[5] = 0.000000
      + params[6] = 0.000000
      + gridname = (no values)

And here is the one that works:

root(root) @ 27600905 + 0 @ 0

  IMGFormatInfo(ImgFormatInfo831) @ 27601033 + 4 @ 27601161
  + spaceUsedForRasterData = 27549696

  Layer_1(Eimg_Layer) @ 27601165 + 20 @ 27601293
  + width = 3587
  + height = 3716
  + layerType = athematic
  + pixelType = u16
  + blockWidth = 64
  + blockHeight = 64

    RasterDMS(Edms_State) @ 3802 + 47120 @ 3930
    + numvirtualblocks = 3363
    + numobjectsperblock = 4096
    + nextobjectnum = 13774848
    + compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[0] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 51050
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[1] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 59242
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[2] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 67434
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[3] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 75626
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[4] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 83818
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[5] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 92010
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[6] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 100202
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[7] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 108394
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[8] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 116586
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[9] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 124778
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[10] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 132970
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[11] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 141162
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[12] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 149354
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[13] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 157546
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[14] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 165738
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    + blockinfo[15] = 
    +     fileCode = 0
    +     offset = 173930
    +     size = 8192
    +     logvalid = true
    +     compressionType = no compression
    +  ... remaining instances omitted ...
    + freelist = (no values)
    + modTime = 0

    Ehfa_Layer(Ehfa_Layer) @ 27600746 + 6 @ 27600874
    + type = raster
    + dictionaryPtr = 27600880

    ProjectionX(Eprj_MapProjection842) @ 27601313 + 843 @ 27601441
    + projection = 
    +     type = 
    +         string = `PE_COORDSYS'
    +     MIFDictionary = 
    +         string =
    +     MIFObject = `'
    + title = 
    +     string = `PE'

    Map_Info(Eprj_MapInfo) @ 27602284 + 112 @ 27602412
    + proName = `Geographic (Lat/Lon)'

    + upperLeftCenter = 
    +     x = 126.768078
    +     y = 38.030574
    + lowerRightCenter = 
    +     x = 126.931366
    +     y = 38.164426
    + pixelSize = 
    +     width = 0.000046
    +     height = 0.000036
    + units = `dd'

    Projection(Eprj_ProParameters) @ 27602524 + 230 @ 27602652
    + proType = EPRJ_INTERNAL
    + proNumber = 0
    + proExeName = (no values)
    + proName = `Geographic (Lat/Lon)'
    + proZone = 0
    + proParams[0] = 0.000000
    + proParams[1] = 0.000000
    + proParams[2] = 0.000000
    + proParams[3] = 0.000000
    + proParams[4] = 0.000000
    + proParams[5] = 0.000000
    + proParams[6] = 0.000000
    + proParams[7] = 0.000000
    + proParams[8] = 0.000000
    + proParams[9] = 0.000000
    + proParams[10] = 0.000000
    + proParams[11] = 0.000000
    + proParams[12] = 0.000000
    + proParams[13] = 0.000000
    + proParams[14] = 0.000000
    + proSpheroid = 
    +     sphereName = `WGS 84'
    +     a = 6378137.000000
    +     b = 6356752.314245
    +     eSquared = 0.006694
    +     radius = 6378137.000000

      Datum(Eprj_Datum) @ 27602882 + 89 @ 27603010
      + datumname = `WGS 84'
      + params[0] = 0.000000
      + params[1] = 0.000000
      + params[2] = 0.000000
      + params[3] = 0.000000
      + params[4] = 0.000000
      + params[5] = 0.000000
      + params[6] = 0.000000
      + gridname = (no values)

I have sent my broken image to someone with the full version of Imagine, so
hopefully I will have a more detailed error message soon.

Thanks for your help,

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