
When working with the SQL Server 2008 OGR driver I presume it is necessary to create the following metadata tables?


There appears to be no way to do this automatically in Python, but if I import a single dataset into the database it is created automatically. I can then use:

conn_string = "MSSQL:server=W08-SQL08;database=dbname;Integrated Security=true;"
ds = ogr.Open(conn_string)
lyr = ds.GetLayerByName('testdata')

It would be nice to be able to connect to a layer without having to register it with the geometry_columns table using a connection string such as:

"MSSQL:server=W08-SQL08;database=dbname;Integrated Security=true;tables=myschema.testdata(GEOMFIELD)"

As this is not currently possible I manually added a record to geometry_columns for an existing spatial table in my database. This is in a separate schema so I used the following SQL:

INSERT INTO [geometry_columns] ([f_table_catalog], [f_table_schema] ,[f_table_name], [f_geometry_column],[coord_dimension],[srid],[geometry_type]) VALUES ('DbName', '*myschema*', 'testdata', 'GEOMFIELD', 2, 32768, 'MULTIPOLYGON')

However using SQL Profiler when trying to connect to the layer it always tries to find this layer in *dbo*.

exec DbName..sp_columns N'testdata',N'*dbo*',N'DbName',NULL

As it does not exist in dbo the connection never succeeds, and I cannot connect to any of the layers in the database. I can add this to trac if it is an issue - I just want to first make sure I've not made any obvious errors.


Seth Girvin

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