On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos <nhat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> GDAL 1.8.1
> java -Djava.library.path=. -cp gdal.jar:build/apps ogrinfo
> /home/nickhatz/my.gml  Borehole
> INFO: Open of `/home/nickhatz/my.gml'
>       using driver `GML' successful.
> elevation: Real (0.0)
> driller: String (0.0)
> dateOfDrilling: String (10.0)
> drillingMethod: String (12.0)
> startPoint: String (22.0)
> inclinationType: String (8.0)
> lowerCorner: Real (0.0)
> upperCorner: Real (0.0)
> coreCustodian: String (0.0)
> OGRFeature(Borehole):5
>   gml_id (String) = gsml.borehole.WTB5
>   name (StringList) = (2:,...)
>   sampledFeature (String) =
>   elevation (Real) = 45
>   driller (String) =
> What version are you running?


I am running trunk which is likely fairly similar to 1.8.1.
So clearly you need a newish version to properly support
this GML variant.  There has certainly been a lot of work
on the GML driver since 1.7.x.

Best regards,
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