Le 31/08/2011 14:13, Yves Jacolin a écrit :

Another question: I have 2 000 ECW files (40 Mo each), 49 ECW files (1 Go each)
and 2 ECW files (2 Go each). I worked first on 2 Go ECW file, it takes around 1
day to assign the projection information in the files.

Do you think this is normal? How can I improve this?

Since you are using Linux, you may be interested in a tool I wrote a few years ago :

You can compile it manually by a command such as :
g++ -o ecwhed -l pthread  ecwhed.cpp /usr/lib64/libecwj2.a

( The standard procedure ./configure; make; make install is not working anymore. If you know the autotools, may be you can fix it).

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