
I have update the license of php5-gdal to the same as GDAL (I copied
the license block).
The project website is: http://projects.geonef.fr/projects/php5-gdal/wiki

If you want to add a link to
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/#GDALOGRInOtherLanguages, the project is
ready for it.


Jean-François Gigand - Geonef
Paris, France - http://geonef.fr/

2011/8/9 Jean-François Gigand <j...@geonef.fr>:
> Hi Thomas,
> I actually noticed that initiative 2 days ago by searching the ML,
> posts dated from around March.
> If I had seen them on that time, I would have shared my code earlier.
> I never used SWIG. When I wondered in last December if I should
> leverage SWIG or write a C++ PHP extension, I chose the latter when I
> noticed that the PHP SWIG bindings in GDAL were very old. I was also
> encouraged when I noticed that for MapServer, the PHP MapScript
> extension is written in core C, although they use SWIG for some other
> languages like Python.
> Mike Leahy, have you got anything working with the SWIG bindings?
> Since you know SWIG, what do you think about this choice?
> Jean-François Gigand - Geonef
> Paris, France - http://geonef.fr/
> 2011/8/9 Tamas Szekeres <szeker...@gmail.com>:
>> 2011/8/9 Jean-François Gigand <j...@geonef.fr>
>>> I decided to write this library when I got limited at using OGR/PHP
>>> (segfault crash) and noticed the latter has not been maintained for
>>> years.
>>> After trying to compile the SWIG bindings with no success, I thought a
>>> good robust C++ code would be the best deal for providing OOP
>>> interfaces to PHP.
>> Hi Jean,
>> I just wanted to mention, there have been some efforts recently by Mike
>> Leahy to resurrect the php bindings, the corresponding ticket can be found
>> here:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3984
>> However I'm not sure about the current status of this work and how the
>> bindings work with the attached patches. Do you have experiences?
>> Best regards,
>> Tamas
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