Hi List


I'm hoping someone can help me make ogr work under Linux with the PGeo
driver, so I can read an ESRI Personal Database .mdb file into Mapserver. I
can see from old posts that the basic problem is that MDBTools is a bit
'flaky' and needs a DSN based connection rather than connecting direct to
the .mdb data.


I have been trying to follow the instructions in
http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_pgeo.html . Having installed unixODBC and
MDBTools, I configured the odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files as suggested and
it seems that I have partial success because when I define my datasource in
odbc.ini like so:



Description = Sample PGeo Database

Driver      = Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)

Database    = /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/data/test.mdb


then the command ogrinfo  PGeo:my_pgeo results in the following:


INFO: Open of 'PGeo:my_pgeo' using driver 'PGeo' successful. 

Error: syntax error at line:2 col:0


I can't figure out what or where this syntax error can be. I feel that I am
quite close to success but don't know how to move forward from here. Can
anyone point me in the right direction please?







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