
Check if your source table is being read correctly.
Use ogrinfo.
ogrinfo -al "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=HT_2011_10;trusted_connection=yes"

OGR doesn't read the MSSQL geometries if the source table doesn't have an
entry in the geometry_columns table. You can bypass this by using the
'Tables' parameter in the connection string[1].


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Fred Jones <> wrote:

> This is what I have so far. Back to where I started. The table is created
> in CENSUS_2010 spatial database, but the ogr_geometry column is null. No
> error.
> ogr2ogr -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:32002 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f MSSQLSpatial
> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=CENSUS_2010;;trusted_connection=yes"
> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=HT_2011_10;trusted_connection=yes" -sql
> "SELECT xloc,yloc, spid FROM  dbo.qaBtcSubLocs" -nln "btcSubLocs"
>  The geometry_columns table is:
> f_table_catalog f_table_schema f_table_name f_geometry_column coord_dimension 
> srid geometry_type
> CENSUS_2010     dbo      btcsublocs      ogr_geometry      2
> 4326        GEOMETRY
> Fred
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Luca Sigfrido Percich <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Fred,
>> Il giorno mer, 16/11/2011 alle 10.11 -0700, Fred Jones ha scritto:
>> > Hi Sig,
>> >
>> > I have a SQL table temp_sublocs_btc with the MT State Plane x and y as
>> > the first columns in the table. CENSUS_2010 is a sql spatial database.
>> >
>> > This is the command I have so far. When I execute it, I just get the
>> > help returned, no error:
>> >
>> > ogr2ogr -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:32100 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f
>> > "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=CENSUS_2010;trusted_connection=yes"
>> >
>> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=HT_2010_10;tables=temp_sublocs_btc;trusted_connection=yes"
>> >
>> > What am I doing wrong?
>> Please remember to always post the error messages otherwise we won't be
>> able to understand. Before the usege text you should see an error
>> message.
>> I never worked with ogr and MSSQL, but I guess that the problem is that
>> you should separate the output format specification (-f "MSSQL")  and
>> the server connection string.
>> Try:
>> ogr2ogr -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:32100 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f "MSSQL"
>> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=CENSUS_2010;trusted_connection=yes"
>> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=HT_2010_10;tables=temp_sublocs_btc;trusted_connection=yes"
>> assuming that tables=temp_sublocs_btc allows you to select the input
>> layer.
>> Regarding the creation of point, in PostGIS I would simply insert the X
>> and Y coords in two float fields of the target table, and issue a
>> update CENSUS_2010.temp_sublocs_btc set geom =
>> ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x, y), 32100), 4326)
>> Which means create a point with x, y, set its SRID to state plane, then
>> transform it into WGS84, then store it in the geom column of your table
>> (the geometry column of which should have been created in WGS84 SRS).
>> I don't know the corresponding function in MSSQL for ST_MakePoint etc...
>> you should refer to the documentation
>> I never tried this! I don't know if you can do the transformation
>> directly with the -sql clause of ogr2ogr or with other options, please
>> try and let us know.
>> Sig
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