
I'm not sure but probably my question is related to the one below.
I'm trying to mosaic one MODIS images onto another with GDAL:

gdal_translate HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:"/Data/sat/GDAL_test/MYD021KM.A2011228.0925.005.2011229003113.hdf":MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B:EV_1KM_RefSB -b 1 /data/modis1.tif

gdal_translate HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:"/Data/sat/GDAL_test/MOD021KM.A2011229.1125.005.2011229195243.hdf":MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B:EV_1KM_RefSB -b 1 /data/modis2.tif

gdalwarp modis1.tif modis2.tif

Bu the results looks weird - the first image is on top of the second one but it is very small, distorted and in the top-left corner (though they cover approximately the same area).

Do I understand right that such operation would work only when the target image georeference is defined by GeoTransform and not by GCPs?

Can I also ask if it is a big work to include ability of GDAL to warp onto grid with GCPs (or RPC or geolocation array) ? And if it is planned in some future?

Thank you!

On 12/15/2011 03:47 PM, Knut-Frode Dagestad wrote:

Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson explained to me a near-hidden feature of GDAL,
namely to reproject one image onto the coverage of another.

Given two images:

Then an empty image can be created from image A with e.g.
$ gdal_translate -ot Float32 -scale 0 0 999 999 -a_nodata 999
imageA.tiff domainA.tiff

And then imageB can be warped onto the extent of this image simply with:
$ gdalwarp imageB.tiff domainA.tiff

domainA.tiff will then contain the data from imageB, exactly co-located
with imageA.

The problem is that this only works when imageA contains a geotransform,
and not when it contains only GCPs.

So my question is:
Is there any workaround to warp data from one image onto another image
which is geolocated by GCPs only?

With the -to option of gdalwarp it is possible to pass some parameters
to GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2(). In the documentation of this
function I find the following option:

"METHOD: may have a value which is one of GEOTRANSFORM, GCP_POLYNOMIAL,
GCP_TPS, GEOLOC_ARRAY, RPC to force only one geolocation method to be
considered on the source dataset."

But there is no corresponding option to force use of GCP_POLYNOMIAL for
the *destination* dataset. I guess this is a bad sign?

Thank you for any help!

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