On 12/31/2012 3:05 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
Le lundi 31 décembre 2012 20:44:07, Tyler Mitchell a écrit :
Hi all,
I'm building a VRT that connects to an Ingres db to grab some WKT text from
a text column.  I can run ogrinfo against it just fine, though it
complains about not finding geometry_columns table (this is a non-spatial
db example), it still returns all the detailed records.  But in MapServer
when I connect it actually fails and throws a blocking error.  I did find,
though, that it worked fine for my point and line layers - but failed on
my polygon layers.

I'm assuming this is a function of the Ingres driver, but thought I'd ask
in case someone could recommend a way to override the driver an NOT
automatically look for a geometry_columns table, since it isn't using it

Just from code looking, I see that the geometry_columns table is queried from
OGRIngresLayer::FetchSRSId(OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn), which is called by
OGRIngresTableLayer::ReadTableDefinition(). There's no way (apart changing the
code of course!) to disable that query. But I'm not clear why a failure of it
would cause MapServer to misbehave if ogrinfo works.

I think Mapserver checks this to see if it needs to reproject the data. You might be able to get around it by adding or removing "using srid xxxx" clause from the sql. Basically you want to trick mapserver into thinking that it does not need to do a reprojection then it might not make the check that is failing. Mind you this is only my intuition, I have not looked at the code.


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