
Is it possible to apply an on-the-fly affine transform to an OGR dataset with the help of VRT ?
Could not find any help or mailing list message about this...

The source of the issue is we want to display in QGIS a non-georeferenced raster with an associated GML mask, where the coordinates in the mask are in pixel indices, relative to the raster (X and Y coordinates are unsigned integers). When loading those two layers as-is in QGis, the raster is correctly displayed (north up, south down) but the GML mask is inverted, with a symmetry around the Y axis (Y coordinates interpreted as south->north when Y increases). We would like the GML mask to be overlayed on the raster, so applying "f(Y)=-Y" on the coordinates would do the trick. Any other idea to cope with this issue would be appreciated. We asked on qgis-users and still no luck.

Thanks in advance,

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