
When batch processing GeoTIFF files, I tend to get this problem a bit too often:

Warning 1: LZWDecode:LZWDecode: Strip 11 not terminated with EOI code
ERROR 1: LZWDecode:Not enough data at scanline 11 (short 30 bytes)
ERROR 1: TIFFReadEncodedStrip() failed.

band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 11
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 11

The strip, scanline and offsets vary. It normally happens when I process from 
clients (computers) with the files located on servers (on local network), and I 
can reprocess a file again without getting the error, or possible an error with 
a different strip, scanline or offset. This special case is caused by 
gdaldem.exe and the error is reported by gdal_translate.exe using GDAL 1.9, but 
I have experienced this error using GDAL 1.9.2 and I think I saw it using GDAL 
1.10 also.

I have two issues here:

1.       Why the problem is happening to begin with?

2.       Why does the Warning and/or Error not trigger ERRORLEVEL 1?

The first bullet I think can be very difficult to debug, so I seek experiences 
here. The second bullet is really frustrating, because I have to look through 
all my clients looking for output similar to the message above - and then 
reprocess all crashed files again.

One solution I have seen somewhere is to not compressing the files, but this 
results in quite an increase in disk space usage - way too high for me.

Kind regards, Casper
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