I wish to use MFC which is part of Visual C++ 2008 and GDAL.

1. I downloaded GDAL 'latest stable release'  as a zip file from

2. Extracted the zip file. Compiled the project to get gdal110.dll + many
.lib files + many .h files

3. Created a folder in my project ('ref'). Copied gdal110.dll into the ref

4. Likewise created two folders 'header' and 'lib'. Copied lib files from
the download to lib and h files
    to header folders

5. In Tools|Options in Visual Studio in my project: accessed Projects and
Solutions: VC++      directories and mentioned header (Include Files), ref
(Reference Files) and lib (library files)

6. In CMyProjectdoc.h, included gdal_priv.h and cpl_conv.h just below #
pragma once

7. Declared a variable in the same file GDALDataset *indataset;

8. Compiled (without writing anything further) and got error(s): Unexpected

Can anyone teach me where I went wrong and how to proceed correctly.

                       Thanking you,

                          B. Ramesh
gdal-dev mailing list

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