Le mardi 22 octobre 2013 19:43:50, Gabriel Fusca a écrit :
> I'm thinking to configure the header file (.hdr) following the
> especification of the header (
> http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=BIL,_BIP,_and
> _BSQ_raster_files )
> skipbytes: file offset
> bandrowbytes: band offset
> totalrowbytes: row offset
> I don't know if GDAL can handle this configuration.

This is handled by the GDAL EHdr driver.

Looking at the code :
* skipbytes: yes, taken into account
* bandrowbytes: only taken into account if nbits < 8
* totalrowbytes : only taken into account if nbits < 8

Not sure why the last 2 fields are only taken into account conditionnaly.

If that doesn't work for you, as suggested by Kyle, you could use 
VRTRawRasterBand specification.


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