On Nov 19, 2013, at 11:03 AM, Mateusz Loskot <mate...@loskot.net> wrote:

>>> "You don't parse the output of gdalinfo --format, do you?" :P
>>> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2013-January/035117.html
>> I don't, but I fully expect that are there are folks who have, simply due to 
>> not having a better,
>> more convenient way to do things. JSON and XML output puts people on the 
>> right path at least...
> Hobu, sure thing.
> That was a bit of joke, and, on reflection I think a specified format
> is actually useful idea.

Yes, I know, but it does bring up the issue of what to do when new things are 
added? Is there a specification/schema/something that provides some sort of 
forward compatibility? Do we promise to never change the name(s) of things? The 
free-form text format has been remarkably stable over the years, but it has 
accreted new items as time as gone on. Something to think about anyway...


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